The Air and Waste Management Association (AWMA) has announced details for this years International Conference on Thermal Treatment Technologies and Hazardous Waste Combustors ( IT3/HWC). The Conference will be held January 27-28, 2021 in West Palm Beach, FL. New topics added for 2021 include PFAS sampling, methods, and laboratory analysis, waste/compliance impacts of health pandemics and natural disasters, plastics to energy/closed loop processing, and comprehensive performance testing (CPT). There is a call for abstracts (CFA) due July 27, 2020. Envitech will host a booth in the exhibit hall and will be presenting a paper. We look forward to seeing friends and colleagues at the conference. If you haven’t already, please put it in your calendars. Hope to see you there.
Air Pollution Control Innovations
International Confernce on Thermal Treatment Technologies
Posted by Andy Bartocci on Tue, May 19, 2020 @ 10:16 AM
Topics: Announcements
30th International Conference on Thermal Treatment Technologies (IT3)
Posted by Andy Bartocci on Fri, Jun 10, 2011 @ 11:44 AM
Last month I attended the 30th International Conference on Thermal Treatment Technologies & Hazardous Waste Combustors (IT3). The conference was held May 10-13 in Jacksonville Florida. The IT3 Conference provides a forum for the discussion of state-of-the-art technical information, regulations, and public policy on thermal treatment technologies and their relationship to air emissions, greenhouse gases and climate change. Envitech has been a long time participate of the conference dating back to our founding in 1994 and this year was a sponsor for the annual meeting.
It was announced during the Program Advisory Committee (PAC) meeting that I will be the new Vice Technical Chair for the conference. Roy Cross of AMEC (formerly MACTEC) will hold the past Chair position and Gary Elliott of Lafarge North America will be the acting chair. I look forward to working with this group to plan next year’s conference and to help the conference grow.
This year’s conference had several worthwhile technical tracks ranging from Biomass, Waste-to-Energy, Alternatives to Incineration, and Multi-Metal CEMs. Particularly noteworthy were the sessions on Regulators Perspective on HWC MACT Implementation and An Introduction to Recently Announced Combustion MACT Regulations. These sessions were haired by Mel Keener of the Coalition for Responsible Waste Incineration (CRWI) and co-chaired by Heather McHale of Coterie Environmental. The sessions were well attended by conference attendees. The Regulators Perspective included 3 U.S. EPA representatives, Frank Behan, Charlie Hall – Region 5, and Kishor Fuitwala – Region 6, as well as to representatives from Alabama Department of Environmental Management (DEM). The session on MACT regulations included the, non-hazardous solid waste rule, industrial boiler and process heater rule, commercial and industrial solid waste incinerator rule, Portland cement rule, Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incineration Rule, Sewage Sludge Incinerator Rule, and the Electric Utilities rule. Many of these rules had recent updates that will impact owners/operators. The presentations were designed to explain the impact and timelines or the recent rule changes.
For a white paper from the conference on ultra low SO2 control for thermal oxidizers, click on the link below.
Topics: Announcements, MACT Standards
New Ethanol Scrubber Reduces Plant Capital & Operating Costs
Posted by Andy Bartocci on Mon, Jun 22, 2009 @ 11:00 AM
I'm making plans to head to Denver for the upcoming 2009 International Fuel Ethanol Workshop and Expo, June 15-18 in Denver, CO. Envitech has a booth at #1241. I'll be giving a talk on our new, patent-pending ethanol scrubber which reduces capital and operating costs.
The new Envitech ethanol scrubber reduces total organic carbon compounds (TOC) in the exhaust gases to acceptable levels without requiring thermal oxidation or chemical transformation. The scrubber uses ethanol as a light alcohol solvent for the other, non-ethanol organic carbon compounds. While these compounds have low solubility in water, they have high solubility in ethanol. Because ethanol is readily available from the plant, it is an ideal solvent for these difficult to remove compounds.
My talk is at:
1:30 pm to 3:00 pm, Wednesday, June 17th
Track 2: Energy & Environment
Emissions Abatement Optimization
New Ethanol Scrubber Reduces Plant Capital and Operating Costs
Topics: ethanol scrubber, Announcements, Product Information