Air Pollution Control Innovations

Jesus Alfaro

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Going Paperless: Interactive O&M Manuals

Posted by Jesus Alfaro on Mon, Feb 29, 2016 @ 02:32 PM

Envitech has joined the paperless revolution by launching Interactive O&M manuals on electronic tablets (Apple iPads). Traditional paper based-manuals iPad.pngpresent several problems – they may be easily lost or damaged; large three-ring binders that are difficult to search and cumbersome to carry; and lastly, red-lined changes and as-builts often are not captured in the final revision.

Starting with 2015 projects, Envitech created web-based O&M manuals for its customers. Due to the positive feedback received to date, Envitech decided to phase out paper copies and fully implement interactive O&M manuals through the use of customized electronic tablets. Each tablet is equipped with 16GB of memory, Wi-Fi capabilities, video and audio calling, personalized e-mail account, video recording, camera, and text messaging. Our customers can access their online manuals and its features with the click of a button. Specific advantages of the Envitech interactive O&M manual are:

  1. Portability - Tablets are thin, light and you can store more information than in 3-ring binders. Information is secure and readily accessible while you are out in the field. 
  2. Updates - Online manuals allows us to make updates with ease. You have immediate access to the material rather than waiting for the manual to be re-printed and delivered. 
  3. Troubleshooting - Our tablets allow you to contact our service team via text, e-mail or facetime.    


  •  Compact tablet design eliminates the need for large storage capacity - 16GB of memory can store up to 4,096 photos, 3 hours of video, or +10,000 PDF files.
  • Always available - Access your online manual 24-7 when and where you need it through the use of a tablet, phone or computer.
  • Print select documents - Airprint is an Apple technology that allows you to print documents from your tablet.  
  • Improved file management - Search and find files more efficiently.


 Figure 1. Click to navigate: simply click or swipe to access your files.

Always Up To Date

  •  O&M Manual Updates - Red-lined changes and updates via online eliminates the need to re-print +500 page manuals.
  • Offline capabilities - Access your manual without Wi-Fi connectivity.
  • Revision management - Track changes made to your manual with online revision tables. 


Figure 2. Revision table

Interactive Troubleshooting

  • Contact us - Each project has a unique username that allows you to reach our service team via text, e-mail, and facetime from your tablet.         
  • Photo and video capturing - Send us photos/videos from your tablet to assess the situation.    
  • Instruction videos - Access training videos and learn how to maintain/calibrate your equipment.   
 texting_support.png  e-mail_support.png  facetime_support.png
 Figure 3: Texting Support  Figure 4: Email Support  Figure 5: Facetime Support

To learn more about Envitech's service capabilities, please download our brochure.

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Topics: Scrubbers, Service, Air Pollution Control Service