Envitech has received an order from Tembec to supply an ammonia based red liquor recovery boiler scrubber for the Temiscaming sulfite pulping mill in Québec, Canada. The scrubber system will treat the off-gas from an upstream sulfite power boiler supplied by Andritz and will meet stringent emission standards for particulate and SO2.
This system is part of a $190-million power generation project that will upgrade Tembec’s existing specialty cellulose manufacturing facility. The upgrade will increase annual green energy production by up to 40-megawatts, reduce sulfur dioxide emissions by 70%, and increase annual production capacity of specialty cellulose by 5,000 metric tonnes. The upgrade will make Temiscaming one of the lowest-cost specialty cellulose manufacturing facilities in the world.
The scrubber system is engineered to Tembec’s requirements and is the result of close collaboration with the customer over several months and their engineering firm Pöyry. The design leverages experience from several other large volumetric flow rate applications including a coal dryer scrubber, secondary lead smelter wet electrostatic precipitator (WESP) system, and a hazardous waste incinerator scrubber. The scope of supply includes an inlet duct from the boiler exhaust fan, quencher, ammonia scrubber, condenser, WESP, caustic scrubber, heat exchangers, structural steel, access platforms, and stack. Primary vessels will be shop fabricated and shipped to the site for assembly and installation. This provides a lower total installed cost, greater quality control over manufacturing, and shorter delivery and installation time. System start-up will occur in the fall of 2013.
To read more about this system, download the case study below.